Le grand amour (1969) - #655
The Milky Way (1969) - #402
Fellini: A Director's Notebook (1969) - #140
The Cremator (1969) - HuluPlus
Silver City Revisited (1969) - #814
The Joke (1969) - FilmStruck/The Criterion Channel
Z (1969) - #491
Diary of a Shinjuku Thief (1969) - FilmStruck/The Criterion Channel
Black Panthers (1969) - ES 43
Dillinger is Dead (1969) - #506
Mr. Freedom (1969) - ES 9
Criterion Shorts of 1968
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968) - #360
Samaritan Zatoichi (1968) - #671
Monterey Pop (1968) - #168
If.... (1968) - #391
Faces (1968) - #252
Shame (1968) - #961
Spirits of the Dead (1968) - Filmstruck
Genocide (1968) - ES 37
The Living Skeleton - ES 37
Head (1968) - #544
Beyond the Law (1968) - ES 35
L'enfance nue (1968) - #534
The Immortal Story (1968) - #831
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (1968) - ES 37
Stolen Kisses (1968) - #186
Zatoichi and the Fugitives (1968) - #679
Profound Desires of the Gods (1968) - Hulu
Kill! (1968) - #313
Rosemary's Baby (1968) - #630
Capricious Summer (1968) - ES 32
Salesman (1968) - #122
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - LD #60
Three Resurrected Drunkards (1968) - ES 21
The Producers (1968) - LD #35
Golden Eyes (1968) - Hulu Plus
I Am Curious (Blue) 1968 - #181
Kuroneko (1968) - #584
Death by Hanging (1968) - #798
Wild 90 (1968) - ES 35
Brakhage '67 - #518
Six Men Getting Sick (1967) - #725
Cours du soir (1967) - #112
Uncle Yanco (1967) - ES 43
The Equinox... a journey into the supernatural (1967) - #338
La cotta (1967) - #194
Zatoichi Challenged (1967) - #679
Week End (1967) - #635
The Graduate (1967) - #800
PlayTime (1967) - #112
The Fireman's Ball (1967) - #145
Dont Look Back (1967) - #786
In Cold Blood (1967) - #781
Chaplin on Criterion Through the Decades (1910s - 1950s)
Marketa Lazarová (1967) - #661
Scattered Clouds (1967) - Hulu
David Holzman's Diary (1967) - LD
The Two of Us (1967) - #388
Le Samouraï (1967) - #306
Peppermint Frappé (1967) - HULU
I Am Curious (Yellow) (1967) - #180
Thirst for Love (1967) - ES 28
Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator (1967) - ES 18
Japanese Summer: Double Suicide (1967) - ES 21
Zatoichi the Outlaw (1967) - #679
Branded to Kill (1967) - #38
Warrendale (1967) - ES 24
Samurai Rebellion (1967) - #310
Belle de jour (1967) - #593
Return of the Prodigal Son (1967) - ES 32
A Colt is My Passport (1967) - ES 17
Mouchette (1967) - #363
The X From Outer Space (1967) - ES 37
2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (1967) - #482
The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967) - #717
La collectionneuse (1967) - #346
Sing a Song of Sex (1967) - ES 21
Chafed Elbows (1967) - ES 33
Zatoichi's Cane Sword (1967) - #679
Frampton '66 (1966) - #607
A Report on the Party and Guests (1966) - ES 32
Daisies (1966) - ES 32
A Modern Coed (1966) - HP/#346
Law of the Border (1966) - HP
Emotion (1966) - HP/#539
Here is Your Life (1966) - #766
Andrei Rublev (1966) - #34
King of Hearts (1966) - LD #115
Blowup (1966) - LD #48
Made in U.S.A. (1966) - #481
Closely Watched Trains (1966) - #131
Wings (1966) - ES 11
Fighting Elegy (1966) - #269
Le deuxième souffle (1966) - #448
Ride in the Whirlwind (1966) - #735
The Shooting (1966) - #734
Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? (1966) - ES 9
Persona (1966) - #701
Seconds (1966) - #667
Criterion Reflections: "Best Classic Film Blog" Nominee
What I'm doing here...
What I'm doing here...
At the beginning of 2009 I decided to watch all of the movies in the Criterion Collection in the chronological order of their release. And then write a blog post about each film.

Here are my rules (updated as of December 2014):

1. I'm going to comment upon as many Criterion-related titles (features and historic short films, current and past releases, including those from Hulu Plus and the old laser disc era) as possible.

2. Beyond written reflections, I will include interesting visual elements when available, including posters, video clips, stills or other miscellaneous items to provide additional insight and amusement.

3. As Criterion adds new films to their collection, I will add them to my list but I won't go backwards if the new film was originally released prior to the year I'm currently reviewing.

4. I aspire to survey all of the available bonus features and written materials that Criterion provides for their films, but I may skip some of that at times just to keep the project moving along or because the film itself didn't compel me to such comprehensive study.

5. Links to some of the reviews I've written for CriterionCast.com are included in older posts composed between 2009-2014, but will not be updated anymore. A sortable, read-only copy of my chronological spreadsheet that includes links to all my published reviews is available on request via Google Drive. My Letterboxd profile also includes a series of lists titled The Criterion Chronology, that arranges all Criterion titles in order of original releases, sorted by decades.

If you want to follow along in the order I wrote my reviews, go to January 2009 in the blog archive and you'll find the beginning of the series. Go back to 2008 and you can read some random reviews I wrote before starting out on this project.

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